
Making a complaint
We really try to make our loans as hassle-free as possible for you. But we know that mistakes can happen. So if we’ve let you down, we’re sorry. Here’s what happens now.

Get in touch so we can put things right
Your complaint won’t have an impact on getting credit from us in the future.

We’ll let you know we’ve got your complaint
Usually, we acknowledge complaints the day we get them (or the next working day, if it doesn’t come through in business hours). We’ll also let you know who in our team will deal with your complaint.

We’ll fix the problem as quickly as we can
Of course, this all depends on the type of complaint. But we manage to sort most issues in two weeks or less. If we think your complaint is going to take longer, we’ll let you know and keep you updated as we go.

How to make a complaint

Phone: 020 3778 0274 (Available 9:00 - 18:00, Monday - Friday. Outside of these hours send us an email and we can call you back.)


Write To Us:

Complaints Manager, iwoca Ltd, 3rd Floor, 101 New Cavendish Street, London, W1W 6XH

Please make sure to include your account details as well as details of how you would like us to reply.

Once we’ve dealt with your complaint, if you’re still not happy, you might be able to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service. Please be aware that there are certain situations when they won't be able to help. Check your eligibility with this guide.