small businesses

How we’re creating a more inclusive workplace and reducing our impact on the environment.

    design of green city

    An iwocan approach to
    sustainability commitments

    We’ve approached our commitments the same way we do business.

    Reducing our emissions by 50% by 2036

    In 2022 we made our Net Zero commitment and started working with KeyESG to measure our baseline CO2 emissions and Carbon Footprint to help us set and reach our reduction targets.

    Since then, we have recorded our emissions annually:
    - 218 tCO2e across scope 1,2 and 3 in 2022
    - 302 tCO2e across scope 1,2 and 3 in 2023
    - 292 tCO2e across scope 1,2 and 3 in 2024

    All of the above were offset, in full, through our work with Carbon Footprint to achieve carbon neutrality.

      green wedge
      esg logos

      Taking a data backed approach
      to Diversity and Inclusion

      We’ve tracked our key Diversity and Inclusion metrics since 2019 and set up our D&I taskforce dedicated to improving them. We’re proud to say year-on-year we’ve improved our scores by consistently evolving our processes and listening to feedback from iwocans.

      Frequently asked questions

      Our Net Zero commitment
      plus sign

      We’re committed to reducing our organisational scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions by 50% by 2036.

      We’re also committed to reducing our organisational scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions by 90% per employee by 2048 and offset the remaining 10% of its emissions in 2050.

      Our 2023 Gender Pay Gap Report
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       All organisations with more than 250 employees are required to report their ‘Gender Pay Gap’. We employed more than 250 employees on 5th April 2023, this is the fourth year in which we are publishing our data.

      On 5th April 2023, we had 340 employees based in London of which 67% were Male and 33% Female. Here are our results:

      Mean (Average)Median (midpoint)
      Hourly pay gap24%25%
      Bonus pay gap42%21%

      This means that women typically earn 75p for every £1 that men earn when comparing median hourly pay and 76p for every £1 when comparing  mean hourly pay.

      When comparing mean hourly pay, the gap has narrowed since last year.  On 5th April 2022, we had 284 employees based in the UK of which 73% were Male and 27% Female. The bonus gap has also narrowed. Here are our results from 2022:

      Mean (Average)Median (midpoint)
      Hourly pay gap16%26%
      Bonus pay gap71%35%

      It is important to note that the Gender Pay Gap does not measure equal pay, which relates to what women and men are paid for the same or similar jobs or work of equal value. Women and men are paid equally at iwoca for performing the same roles.